Page 15


Page 15,

Hazrat Abdul Rahman Jami.


O my loving


For what

This display

Of disapproval

And reprimand…


Continual assault

Of pain on those

Broken hearted…

Why the haste

In slaying me


With sword

Drawn over

My head

I myself

Am going to die

What/why this agitation

In you!


It is said

You will appear

In my sleep

Of what use


I have never

Known sleep

My whole lifetime!


From my

Maderassa I

Venture to the

Kaaba or to

The house of wine.

O Master of

The Path

Show me

The path

Of virtue/merit/reward.


Jami how do

You boast of

Your piety

When your

Saintly Robe bear

Stains of wine!


