Page 16


Page 16.

Hazrat Jami.


O intercessor

Of sinners

I have come here

With my burden

Of sins…


With my bedding

Have I come

This time!

Open your eyes

Of your Blessings

And notice

My silver hair

Albeit with       /though with a face blackened

A blackened face!


Claim I do not

To have tread

On your footsteps

For ages long…

I am

The strayed one

Who has only now

Turned my direction

Towards Thee.




Humbled, aimless

Wounded and in pain

Do I

Sans pride

Sans motive

Do I bring

As my witness

Nothing but

My claim of

Love for you!


Commit I the

Fault of begging

Your indulgence

Appear I

Before Thee

With excuses

On my lips.


I need your refuge,

Favor and grace

As my ego lies in


And my desires

Are opponents of

Piety and faith.
