Page 14


Page 14.

Hazrat Amir Khusroe.


Bent upon

Slaying me

Is the tyrant.

Witness this

Spectacle unusual

Of the death

Of an innocent one.


O assassin

Tell those

Who inquire

About me

And my name.


Am a vagabond/awara/vagrant

One madly in love

Publicly disgraced!


O one who

Cures the sick

My sickness is

On account of

Separation from thee.








You know naught

Of those

Who yearn

For thee


To cure your


If you desire


Refresh with a


Sip of the

Heady wine –

A glimpse

Of Thee.


How else can

Khusroe proclaim

The ecstasy

Of beholding thee!


My life…


I would sacrifice

To keep others

From Beholding

My Friend!
