Page 7


Page 7.

Hazrat Amir Khusroe.



My beloved

Comes tonight

Such news have

I received

My life I

Lay on the

Path as the

Rider cometh.


The Gazelles

Of the forest

Offer up their


In the hope

That the hunter

Will appear one day!


Magnetic is

Love –

Draw not others

To love

For if you

Reach not at

My funeral

Visit at

My Graveside!



My waning breath

Is at my lips

My beloved do

Appear so I may

Revive back to life

Of what use

Your arrival

After I am no more!


Your one appearance

Has snatched/taken away

The heart the

Life the patience

Of Khusroe…


What a tempest

Would result

If you were to


Time and again!

