Page 21



Hazrat Abdul Rahman Jami.  1.


With your charm

And beauty

What an uproar

You have caused

In the world

Absorbed in

Lamentation is

Every wounded Heart!


Slayed am I

By the enchanting

Demeanor of

The Beautiful ones

Sans reason

Sans fault

Of mine!


Yourself wielded

The sword

Others you



O saintly one

Senseless was I

With the

One cup you

Presented me

Making restless

And impatient

My heart!






You sift/ sort through

And select pearls

Saying it

Is from you

To the


You are veiled

From the world…


You stay before

The mirror

And display the

Mirror yourself

A glimpse

Of such a show

Stirs the passion

Of the audience

Universal!/in the universe.


Helpless is


Madly in love

With you…

Your passionate

 Devotee in exile

 Hidden/Concealed in

 Dust he lays/lies

