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Hazrat Amir Khusroe.


A disbeliever

Am I

No need of

Faith do I have!


Every nerve

Of mine is


No need of

The sacred thread

Do I have…


O foolish


Arise and leave

My bedside


For there is

No cure/prescription

For the patient

Struck by love

Save a

Glimpse of

The beloved!


Take joy

O heart of mine

For tomorrow

Is love’s meeting.


Tidings there are

Of being slayed

No promise

Of a Beholding!


The needy/indigent

Have no need

Of visiting

The garden

Are wounded hearts

Display splash

Of color compared

To any Gardens!


No sage

Or savant

Do I need to

Steer my boat

Not any

As we have

God and need

No other Captain.


People say


Worships idols

Yes…Yes I do

I have naught

To do with

The world and

Its people/creatures.
