Page 48


Page 48.

Hazrat Haji Imdadullah Mohajir Makki.


I am in quest of

Your abode/Of You

When I visit Makkah


I am thinking/remembering

You when I visit

The Kaaba


When I hold the

Chain of the door

Of the Kaaba

In utter humility

I wrap the ringlets

Of Your swirling Stresses!


During my Sai

And circling,

In the enclosure

Of the Hateem

At the Traces of


My desire – only

A glimpse of Thy

Radiant and beautiful



At Arafaat

I saw the tumult and


When lost was

Solace and hope

From my Friend


Though right

Before me was

Visible the prayer

Niche – my prostration

I made in the

Nook of your brow!


For one and all

The highlight is

To kiss the Black Stone

I look for Your black

Beauty Spot!


Labaik! Labaik!

Echoes in the

Plains of Arafaat

While all turn

Towards the Kaaba

My heart swings

Magnetically to Thee/

In Your direction!


Everyone sacrifices

Animals at Mina

Sacrifice I my

Head - for a single

Hair of Thy Highness!
