Page 43


Page 43.

Hazrat Hasan Sanjri.


O revered one

Your very face

Explains – ‘Wadoha!’

‘Walail’ leads to

Comprehension of

Your fragrant Tresses


Your Kohl lined

Two eyes –

‘Mazag Alabsr’ is

Your lineament/kohl


The alcove of

Your eyebrows

Hold the mystery

Of your nearness!


Sweetness and salve

Of honey is in

Your speech/discourse

The source of

Life in your

Enchanting lips.

The symbol ‘Seen’

Of Yaseen in

Your blessed teeth


Surah ‘Hameem’

Resembles the

Halo of your hair!


O messenger

Of Allah –

You are the

Kaaba of my heart

The direction of

My soul/life


Hasan Sanjri

The needy –

Is ever bowing?

 /Is ever in prostration?

To you.
