Page 37


Page 37.

Hazrat Bu Alishah Qalandar.


The image of

My Beloved is

In my Heart


An idol worshipper

Am I…

My heart being

My Beloved’s Temple!


O Khizr,

The fountain of

Life, you take

Such pride in…

Is nothing more

Than a drop of

Wine left in

My Cup!


The Garden and

Hell – fire are

At a great distance

From me…

So far has my

Courage led me!


If the Exalted Throne

Would hear

My passionate Cry

Move and topple

It would

Over the lofty Sky!


Like a moth

I singe and burn

In Love,

If the candle

Deem to display

At my abode

Its Light!


So expansive/vast

Is Your home

But great pride

Would we feel

If deem you should

To visit

My humble home

On the night

Of our Union!


When I at

His door did

Cry – He

Laughed and said

Bu Ali…mad is he

Who is in love

With Me!
