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Page 32.

Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilanee.


Step into my home

Without hesitation

As naught there is

In my home except

My yearning for you…


If you should visit

The desolation at

My graveside

Flooded will be

My home by my

Bleeding Heart!


Be not seductive

Do not let down

Your perfumed locks

My passionate heart

Lacks the strength

Of iron chains!


From your abode of

Angels – a caged bird

Am I in this futile world!


Allah’s light unveiled

Is my sustenance…

When Munkir Nakir

Inquire of me

Who my Lord is

I will reply the

Same He is – Who

Holds my wanton heart!


Grateful to Allah

I am – not to have

Died – ere I reached

My Friend – commendable

Is such courage – mine!


Burnt I am

By the effulgence

Of One Who

Brings to Life

‘tis a marvel- of my courage

Feels my Friend!
