Page 30


Page 30.

Hazrat Niaz Barelvi.


Not easy is


‘Tis constant pain

Here is tested

Every novice and

Savant- a test it is

For the weak and the strong!



Banned here is

All besides

Lament and anguish

This is known

In the unique

Get together of

The Lovers!


Desired Prayer

Here is only

The Vision of

The Beloved

Sans bowing

Sans prostrations

Or Standing!


Buried in the

Earth I am

But endures

With me- love

Of the Beloved.


Slayed by

Love am I

But endures

Still with me

The yearning

Anguish of Life!


The spark

Of fire burnt to

Cinders my Being

Lies concealed

My anguish buried

Under the ashes

Of my heart!


The caravan

Has departed from

The grounds/hall

Of audience

My identity

Lies under the

Footprints of Sand.


Niaz needs no

Prayers from the

People when he

Is dead…

My love endures

After me

To pray for me!
